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제목 한-칠레 FTA
담당부서 통상연구팀 김세창(0557920183) 등록일 2020-05-12
첨부파일 한-칠레 자유무역협정 원문.pdf 바로보기





Article 16.1: Obligations

1.                 Each Party shall provide, in its territory, to the nationals of the other  Party  adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual  property  rights,  while ensuring that measures to enforce intellectual  property  rights  do  not  themselves become unnecessary barriers to legitimate trade.


2.                 To provide adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, each  Party  shall  faithfully  implement  the  international  conventions it has acceded to, including the TRIPS Agreement.


Article  16.2:   More Extensive Protection

A Party may implement in its  domestic  law  more  extensive  protection  of  intellectual property rights than is  required  under  this  Agreement,  provided  that  such protection  is  not  inconsistent  with  this  Agreement  and  the  TRIPS  Agreement.


Article 16.3:     Protection of Trademarks

1.  Article 6 bis of  the  Paris  Convention  shall  apply,  mutatis  mutandis,  to  services. In  determining  whether  a  trademark  is  well  known,  the  Parties  shall  take account of the knowledge of  the  trademark  in  the  relevant  sector  of  the  public, including knowledge in the Party concerned, obtained as a result of the promotion of the trademark.


2.  If  the  use  of  a  trademark  is  required  by  the  legislation  of  a  Party  to maintain registration, the registration may be cancelled only after an uninterrupted period of at least three years of  non-use,  unless  valid  reasons  based  on  the  existence of obstacles to such use are shown by the trademark owner.


3.  When subject to the control  of  its  owner,  use  of  a  trademark  by  another  person shall  be  recognized  as  use  of  the  trademark  for  the  purpose  of  maintaining the registration.


Article  16.4:   Protection of Geographical Indications

1.  For the purpose of this Agreement,  geographical  indications  are  indications, which identify a good as originating in the territory of  a  Party,  or  a  region  or  locality in that  territory,  where  a  given  quality,  reputation  or  other  characteristic  of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.


2. With the recognition of the importance of the  protection  of  geographical  indications, both Parties shall protect, in compliance with their respective


domestic legislation, the geographical  indications  of  the  other  Party  registered and/or protected  by  that  other  Party,  that  fall  within  the  scope  of  protection  stated in Articles 22, 23  and  24  of  the  TRIPS  Agreement.  Further  to  the acceptance of this obligation, both Parties shall not permit the  importation,  manufacture and sale of products, in compliance with their respective domestic legislation, which  use  such  geographical  indications  of  the  other  Party,  unless  such products have been produced in that other Party.


3.    Chile shall protect the geographical indications  listed  in  Annex  16.4.3  for  their exclusive use in products originating in Korea. Chile shall prohibit the  importation, manufacture and sale of products with such geographical indications, unless they have been produced  in  Korea,  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  Korean law.


4.    Korea shall protect the geographical indications listed  in  Annex  16.4.4  for  their exclusive use in products originating in Chile. Korea shall prohibit the  importation, manufacture and sale of products with such geographical indications, unless they have been  produced  in  Chile,  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  Chilean  law.  This  shall  in  no  way  prejudice  the  rights  that  Korea  may   recognize, in addition to Chile, exclusively to Peru with respect to "Pisco".


5.    Within two years from the entry into force  of  this  Agreement,  both  Parties shall enter into consultations to protect additional geographical  indications.  As  a  result  of  these  consultations,  both  Parties  shall  protect  and/or  recognize,  under  the terms stated in this Agreement, the geographical indications listed in Annex

16.4.5 and any  additional  geographical  indications  submitted  by  the  Parties  that  fall within the scope of protection  of  geographical  indications  set  out  in  Articles  22, 23 and 24 of the TRIPS Agreement.


Article 16.5: Enforcement

The Parties shall provide  in  their  respective  laws  for  the  enforcement  of  intellectual property rights consistent with the TRIPS Agreement, in  particular,  Articles 41 to 61 thereof.


Article 16.6: Consultative Mechanism

Any consultations between the Parties with respect to the implementation or interpretation of this Chapter shall be carried out under the dispute settlement procedures referred to in Chapter 19.


Annex  16.4.3

Geographical Indications of Korea


-    Korean Ginseng (for Ginseng)

-    Korean Kimchi (for Kimchi)

-    Boseong (for Tea)


Annex  16.4.4


Geographical Indications of Chile

  • Pisco (for wine and spirits)

  • Pajarete (for wine and spirits)

  • Vino Asoleado (for wine)

 Annex  16.4.5

Geographical Indications of Wines Originating in Chile

Wines of the following regions, sub regions and zones:

Viticole Region of Atacama

    • Subregion:  Valle  de Copiapo

    • Subregion:  Valle  del Huasco

Viticole Region of Coquimbo

  • Subregion: Valle del Elqui

  • Subregion: Valle del Limari

  • Subregion: Valle del Choapa

Viticole Region of Aconcagua

    • Subregion. Valle de Aconcagua

    • Subregion: Valle de Casablanca

Viticole Region of Valle Central

  • Subregion: Valle del Maipo

  • Subregion: Valle del Rapel

? Zone:  Valle  de Cachapoal

? Zone:  Valle  de Colchagua

  • Subregion: Valle de Curico

? Zone: Valle del Teno

? Zone: Valle del Lontue

  • Subregion: Valle del Maule

? Zone: Valle del Claro

? Zone: Valle del Loncomilla

? Zone: Valle del Tutuven

Viticole Region of the South/Sur

  • Subregion: Valle del Itata

  • Subregion: Valle del Bio-Bio