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한국문화정보원 한국문화정보원 한국방송실연자권리협회 한국방송실연자권리협회
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한국방송작가협회 한국방송작가협회 한국문학예술저작권협회 한국문학예술저작권협회
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한국시나리오작가협회 한국시나리오작가협회 한국언론진흥재단 한국언론진흥재단
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한국영화제작가협회 한국영화제작가협회 한국음반산업협회 한국음반산업협회
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한국음악실연자연합회 한국음악실연자연합회 한국음악저작권협회 한국음악저작권협회
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함께하는음악저작인협회 함께하는음악저작인협회


AFM(American Federation of Musicians) AFM(American Federation of Musicians) ALCS(Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society, U.K) ALCS(Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society, U.K)
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APRA(The Australian Performing Rights Association, Austalia) APRA(The Australian Performing Rights Association, Austalia) ARTISJUS(Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of Authors’ Rights, Hungary) ARTISJUS(Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of Authors’ Rights, Hungary)
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ASCAP(American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, U.S.A) ASCAP(American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, U.S.A) BUMA / STEMRA / CEDAR (The Netherlands Copyright Organizations, Netherland) BUMA / STEMRA / CEDAR (The Netherlands Copyright Organizations, Netherland)
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CCC(Copyright Clearance Center, U.S.A) CCC(Copyright Clearance Center, U.S.A) CMRRA(The Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency, Canada) CMRRA(The Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency, Canada)
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GEIDANKYO GEIDANKYO GEMA(The German Society For Musical Performing Rights And Mechanical Reproduction Rights, Germany) GEMA(The German Society For Musical Performing Rights And Mechanical Reproduction Rights, Germany)
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HFA(Harry Fox Agency, U.S.A) HFA(Harry Fox Agency, U.S.A) IMRO(The Irish Music Rights Organization, Ireland) IMRO(The Irish Music Rights Organization, Ireland)
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JASRAC(Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers, Japan) JASRAC(Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers, Japan) MPAA(Motion Picture Association of America, U.S.A) MPAA(Motion Picture Association of America, U.S.A)
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NCB(Nordisk Copyright Bureau) NCB(Nordisk Copyright Bureau) NMPA(National Music Publishers Association, U.S.A) NMPA(National Music Publishers Association, U.S.A)
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Pro Litteris(Swiss literary rights society, Switzerland) Pro Litteris(Swiss literary rights society, Switzerland) PRS for Music PRS for Music
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RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America, U.S.A) RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America, U.S.A) RIAJ(Recording Industry Association of Japan, Japan) RIAJ(Recording Industry Association of Japan, Japan)
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SABAM(Societe Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs, Belgium) SABAM(Societe Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs, Belgium) SACD(Societe des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques, France) SACD(Societe des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques, France)
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SIAE(Societa Italiana degli Autori ed Editori, Italy) SIAE(Societa Italiana degli Autori ed Editori, Italy) SOCAN(Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, Canada) SOCAN(Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, Canada)
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SSA(Swiss Society of Authors, Switzerland) SSA(Swiss Society of Authors, Switzerland) SUISS/Cros/CorsSkin/image/(Societe Suisse pour la Gestion des Droits d’Auteurs d’Oeuvres Visuelles et Audiovisuelles) SUISS/Cros/CorsSkin/image/(Societe Suisse pour la Gestion des Droits d’Auteurs d’Oeuvres Visuelles et Audiovisuelles)
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TONO(The Norwegian Performing Right Society, Norway) TONO(The Norwegian Performing Right Society, Norway) VG WORT(Verwertungsgesellschaft WORT, Germany) VG WORT(Verwertungsgesellschaft WORT, Germany)
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