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Title Copyright Consultative Group for Coexistence in the Field of Digital Publication formed
Date 2014-05-23


Copyright consultative group for coexistence in the field of digital publication has been formed by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, Korea Copyright Commission, Korea Publication Industry Promotion Agency on May the 21st.



Rightholders and other interested parties such as Korean Society of Authors, Korea Reproduction and Transmission Rights Association, Korean Publishers Association, Kyobo Book Centre will participate in the group and discuss ways of consensus-making and publicity of issues regarding the current state and distribution system of digital book publication, as well as its royalty standards.


Moreover, for there is not a regulation on royalties of digital book publication at literary works trust administrators, which are the main publishers of digital books, introduction plans for the pertinent regulation will also be discussed in order to mediate between different interested parties and to prepare improvement plans.